VidPlayVST Reviews

Reviewed on KVR Audio

"This is an incredibly useful plugin -- great for just about any DAW that has issues with or is missing video support. Even just as a secondary tool for display on more than one screen, for example. Also supports a bunch of codecs that many DAW engines don't support. Great little plugin, deserves more attention, and great developer too who has added a very useful render feature as well, which most DAWS lack. Easy 5 stars, and a great price too."
link to KVR text

Reviewed in Estrada i Studio (Stage and Studio) Polish magazine

English translation:

Stage and Studio July 2019
Workshop Ableton Live VidPlayVST (22,14 USD) Live 10 player VST
The Ableton Live program offers video functionality, but unfortunately only in theory. In practice, it can be different. I could not start video playback in the 64-bit version of Live on Windows, though I tried for a good few days with all the codecs and settings. In the end, I gave up and used the 32-bit version, in which the video option works. However, the end of these problems has come, thanks to the clever VidPlayVST plugin. It allows playback of any video file in any DAW, and also in the Ableton Live program.
Just run the plugin on the track and click the large icon located in the upper left corner, opening the movie file. By default, the movie starts from the zero point on the timeline, but this can be overridden with a MIDI message (note C) sent to the plugin at the appropriate offset position. It is also possible to loop a piece of film and change the size of the window. If that was not enough, the user gets superpowered after installing the VidRenderVST extension - it can render the video together with the sound of the DAW. No inconvenient thing - VidPlayVST consumes very few resources, so it can be successfully used even in heavier sessions.

Original Polish:

Estrada i Studio • lipiec 2019
WARSZTAT Ableton Live VidPlayVST (22,14 USD) Live 10 odtwarzacz VST
Program Live oferuje funkcjonalność wideo. Niestety tylko w teorii. W praktyce bywa różnie. Nie udało mi się uruchomić odtwarzania wideo w wersji 64-bitowej Live na Windows, mimo że próbowałem przez dobrych kilka dni z wszelkimi kodekami i ustawieniami. W końcu dałem sobie spokój i używałem wersji 32-bitowej, w której opcja wideo działa. Nadszedł jednak kres tych upokorzeń, dzięki sprytnej wtyczce VidPlayVST. Umożliwia ona odtwarzanie dowolnego pliku wideo w dowolnym DAW, również w programie Ableton Live.
Wystarczy uruchomić wtyczkę na śladzie i kliknąć dużą ikonę otwarcia pliku filmowego, znajdującą się w lewym górnym rogu. Standardowo odtwarzanie filmu rozpoczyna się od punktu zerowego na linii czasu, ale można je przesunąć za pomocą adekwatnie ustawionego komunikatu MIDI, wysłanego do wtyczki (nuta C). Jest też możliwość zapętlania fragmentu filmu i zmiany wielkości okna. Jakby tego było mało, po zainstalowaniu rozszerzenia VidRenderVST użytkownik dostaje supermoc – może renderować wideo razem z dźwiękiem z poziomu DAW. No i na koniec rzecz niebłaha – VidPlayVST zużywa bardzo mało zasobów, więc może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywany nawet przy cięższych sesjach.
Estrada i Studio
Color My Sound
(Developer's note: VidPlayVST will not work correctly in Ableton Live when there are tempo changes in the project. A fixed tempo must be used due to a limitation of the plug-in interface provided by this particular DAW.)

Reviewed by

VidPlayVST’s name tells you most of what you need to know about the plugin. Just like any other VST, you can drag it from Reason’s browser and drop it into the rack. The plugin will automatically have a track assigned to it and it’s ready for action straight away. Then, load in your video file, and off you go! link to review...

Reviewed by Brazilian pianist/producer Bruno Angelo

Reviewed when the initial free Beta Test version was released in 2017

Reviewed by Universal Audio

Free Linux version reviewed with Bitwig Studio by German producer C-Records

Used by Front Of House engineer to synchronise 2 video walls

"When we take out the Emerson, Lake, and Palmer reunion tour this Fall, I have to project Keith on one video wall, and Greg on another at the same time, while streaming their audio parts into my soundboard Live for Carl and the band to play along with. VidPlayVST now allows me to do that. I have two instances of it running in Nuendo on my laptop, and both HD video streams are working perfectly, while Nuendo handles the multitrack audio! I will be sure to tell everyone what a great find VidPlayVST is for live audio and video production! Steve Supparits, FOH Engineer, Emerson, Lake and Palmer 50th Anniversary Tour" VidPlayVST used in live performance with dual video walls

Developer's note: Steve Supparits is using the Windows version. On Apple Mac, unfortunately, full screen options do not behave consistently across different macOS versions and different DAWs (try the Demo before you buy).

Used in comprehensive tests of inter-DAW synchronisation with SMPTE MIDI Time Code(MTC)

DAW Timecode Sync

"As Logic is still performing with all the precision of a betacarotene-fuelled 8-week old cockapoo puppy, there is also the possibility of running the video file inside a VidPlay software instrument plug-in, which does correctly handle plug-in delays and buffer changes - but in our tests, although it was commendably stable most of the time, about 10% of record passes were ~600 samples off."

(Developer's comment: This quote needs to be read in the context of the whole blog post. It suggests that in Logic the start of video playback was sometimes delayed by the length of 1 audio buffer [600 samples is 12.5 milliseconds, which is less than half the display duration of 1 video frame at 30 fps]. The blog notes throughout that the Logic audio engine was somewhat inconsistent in its event timing so, it appears, that there were occasional short delays to the first call into the VidPlay plugin following start of playback.)